Your grandpa still looks like he could hit the trails!
That’s in great condition!
She’s a beauty, no doubt!
If K5 Blazers weren’t around, these XJs would take the crown as the best-looking SUVs ever.
Always love seeing a clean XJ.
Throw some tint on those windows and maybe go for lighter rims. Just my two cents, I love contrast! That ride is stunning, though.
Davi said:
Throw some tint on those windows and maybe go for lighter rims. Just my two cents, I love contrast! That ride is stunning, though.
Gotta say, I love my steelies and the clear look without tint. But hey, everyone’s got their style!
Fair enough, keep it your way! Jeep on.
That’s a gem.
Keep that salt off it, trust me.
Keller said:
Keep that salt off it, trust me.
Yeah, I hear you. It’s getting a wash tomorrow after today’s grocery trip… salt camo is real right now!
Man, I had this same model in white as my first car. Brings back memories!
I’ve got a 2-door XJ just sitting in a horse pasture if anyone’s interested, haha.